Friday, December 24, 2004

Are You Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy or Know Someone Who Is?

It's not an easy time for you. You suspect that you may be pregnant or you have had a positive pregnancy test. Or you may be here seeking out information and/or help for a friend or relative. Here you'll find a wealth of resources and information to educate, empower, and support you in the decision-making process, in pregnancy and parenting/adoption, and to guide you towards resouces which can help you better your life.

Table of Contents:
Pregnancy Resource Centers
Housing, Food, Clothing, Hygiene Items, and Home Goods
Your Health During Preganancy and Beyond
Pregnancy and Parenting Support in Your Community
Continuing Your Education
Daycare is Now Affordable!
Money-Saving Ideas
Parenting Issues
Adoption Information
Online Support Websites
Online Support Groups
Recommended Unplanned Pregnancy and Birth Books

If you are struggling with any kind of issues, in addition to this pregnancy, please see my listing of International Crisis Hotlines and Resources to find help for your situation, near you

You can get real, confidential, free, non-judgemental help to continue your pregnancy and continue your goals and care for your family

Non-Violent Choice Directory
Life-affirming support for both the women and children of crisis pregnancy--before, during, and after birth.  Includes a section of resources on ethical crisis pregnancy support services; mother; child health; parenting & childrearing; adoption, foster care, guardianship; food and nutrition; clothing; shelter; finances; income; education; employment;career; and relationships.

Pregnancy Resource Centers:
Concerned About What You've Heard About Pregnancy Resource Centers
Read This!
4,800 life-affirming, CONFIDENTIAL, national organizations and agencies (3,400 in the USA and 1,400 outside the USA)
All “800,” “888” and “877” numbers are TOLL-FREE
Giving free, nonjudgmental, confidential services for girls and women facing unplanned pregnancies, including: pregnancy testing and options counseling, childbirth preparation and parenting/life skills courses, material aid (new and gently-used maternity/baby clothing, diapers, baby items, furniture, etc.), support groups for single parents and their family members, adoption decision making and post-adoption counseling, community referrals (housing, legal, medical, day care, employment, adoption), community education programs and post abortion programs. The objective of these organizations is not a political one, but a most practical one: to ensure that every woman knows that the resources she needs in order to continue her pregnancy are available.

International Pregnancy Resource Centers and Maternity Homes
Australia, Canada (providence-by-providence), England, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, United States (national and state-by-state)
International Pregnancy Resource for Jerusalem
Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services (CAPSS)

American Pregnancy Helpline
Afraid you’re pregnant? Considering abortion? The Helpline can help. They offer free and confidential pregnancy tests and information about your options. Very good secular emphasis, discusses all choices including abortion extremely nonjudgmentally.
Phone: 1-888-4-OPTIONS or 1-800-672-2296

Birthright International
Birthright provides non-religion-based caring, and unjudgmental support to girls and women who are distressed by an unplanned pregnancy. Using its own resources and those of the community, Birthright offers positive and loving alternatives. They provide friendship and emotional support, free pregnancy testing, and maternity and baby clothes. They also give information and referrals to help clients meet legal, medical, financial, and housing needs. All Birthright services are free, absolutely confidential, and available to any woman regardless of age, race, creed, economic or marital status.  900 centers in the USA/Canada. Some in South Africa and Colombia.
Phone: 1-800-550-4900 (24hrs/7 days a week)
Locate a Center Near You:
Tel: 1-800-550-4900

CareNet International/Pregnancy Centers/OptionLine
A non-profit organization supporting a network of over 600 Christian-based pregnancy centers across the United States and Canada. These centers offer free pregnancy tests, peer-counseling, post abortion support and other practical help to women and men facing pregnancy-related concerns.
Phone: 1-800-395-HELP (1-800-395-4357)  24hrs/7 days a week

Catholic Charities
Social services for anyone (you don’t need to be Catholic) include: adoption, family support, help for at-risk children, housing assistance, job training, respite care, home care, parenting education, pregnancy counseling, prison ministry, refugee and immigration assistance, and treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.
Phone: 1-800-CARE-002, 24-hour national service

The Gabriel Project
The Gabriel Project is an effort by church communities to help women in what might seem to be a crisis pregnancy. The mission is to provide the needed emotional, physical and spiritual support during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby as long as help is needed as well as to help women established relationships with members of the church, bringing new hope and comfort to those who are alone. See the website for state and local hotline numbers.

The National Crisis Pregnancy Helpline
Phone: 1-800-521-5530
The National Life Center
Phone: 1-800-848-LOVE (5683), staffed 24/7

The Nurturing Network
"The objective of the Nurturing Network is not a political one, but a most practical one: to ensure that every woman knows that the resources she needs in order to continue her pregnancy are available by calling the Network's toll free number: 1-800-TNN-4MOM. Volunteer members form an extensive employment, medical, educational, counseling and residential network which enables a mother to continue the life of her unborn child without sacrificing her own hopes and dreams. Services include medical assistance, financial assistance, nurturing homes, educational programs, employment, adoption counseling, preparation for parenthood. Staffed during normal business hours, specializing in help for college and professional women; 32,000 volunteer members (nurses, doctors, social workers).
Phone: 1-800-866-4666
Address: PO Box 1498, White Salmon, WA 98672

Are You In Need of Housing, Food, Clothing, Hygiene Items, or Home Goods?

Maternity Homes:
Good Counsel Homes
Maternity housing serving NY/NJ/CT
Phone: 1-800-723-8331; 1-201-795-0637
Web Address:

Hidden Choices: National Association of Maternity Homes (United States)
Address: P.O. Box 194
Greens Farms, CT 06838
Phone: (877) 4-U-TYLER or  (877) 488-9537
Web Address:

Life Call
Provides shelters and assistance to pregnant women
Phone: 1-800-662-2678
In Nebraska call: 1-800-669-8086
In California call: 1-800-228-0332

Find a Shelter:
Read E-mails from Women Who've Gotten Help:

Assistance with Housing:
HUD Housing Counseling Program
Catholic Charities USA directs the multi-agency Housing Counseling Program, which is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Through the program, housing counselors in more than 40 Catholic Charities agencies are trained to provide homebuyer education, mortgage delinquency and reverse mortgage counseling, relocation counseling, and other services.

Housing/Section 8
Section 8 is a government subsidy which assists with paying rent.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Habitat for Humanity International
Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses with the help of the homeowner (partner) families. Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no profit and financed with affordable loans. The homeowners’ monthly mortgage payments are used to build still more Habitat houses. Habitat is not a giveaway program. In addition to a down payment and the monthly mortgage payments, homeowners invest hundreds of hours of their own labor—sweat equity—into building their Habitat house and the houses of others.

Directory of Soup Kitchens, Food Banks/Pantries, and Shelters (United States/Canada)

If You Are Homeless or May Become Homeless (Shelters and Resources in the U.S.)

Homeless Assistance in the United States
An explination of the assistance and rehabilitation programs available to the homeless and at-risk in the United States.

National Listing of Homeless Shelters (United States)

Listing of Homeless Shelters (United States)

Assistance with Food and Nutrition:
Directory of Food Banks in Canada

Action Against Hunger (International)
Action Against Hunger’s 6,000+ field staff work in over 40 countries to carry out innovative, lifesaving programs in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health, and advocacy. Our programs reach some 5 million people a year, restoring dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to vulnerable populations around the world.

Directory of Soup Kitchens, Food Banks/Pantries, and Shelters (United States/Canada)

Directory of Food Banks in the U.S.

America's Second Harvest Food Banks (United States)
U.S. hunger-relief organization that distributes food to millions of hungry Americans through a network of food banks and food-rescue organizations.

St. Vincent DePaul Society (International)
Promotes a worldview based on the life and teaching of St. Vincent de Paul, in assisting the needy with food, toiletries and clothing.

Assistance with Clothing, Hygiene Items, and Home Goods:
This is an international organization that lets you place wanted adds in your community for free things, or to view offer adds from people giving away things. Everything must be free and often times you get what you ask for or it is already being offered for free, you can get anything from baby furnature to clothing and toys. when you go to the link choose the area you live in and become a member (free) each community has their own personnal site linked to the main page

Dress for Sucess
Career Gear
Dress for Sucess, with affiliates in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, UK, US.) Charitable organization that offers free interview clothing and other support services to low-income women entering or returning to the workforce. Career Gear, with affiliates in several US cities, offers similar services for low-income men.

Share Your Soles
This nonprofit gathers and distributes free, clean secondhand shoes for impoverished people in the US, especially on Native American reservations, and in poorer nations around the globe.

Inexpensive Maternity Clothes
A short how-to-find guide from LovetoKnowPregnancy

Diaper Banks
In the US, government benefit programs for low income individuals, such as WIC and food stamps, do not cover the ever-rising, expensive cost of diapers. However, diaper banks have been established to address this problem at the local level.
Southern Arizona; The Valley of the Sun, Arizona
Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, California
Hartford, Connecticut; New Haven, Connecticut
Southwest Florida
South Boston, Massachusetts
Rhode Island
South King County (Seattle), Washington
Autism Support Group of Genessee County, Michigan helps families with older autistic children still in diapers to get them for free

Miracle Diapers: Cloth Diapers for Low-Income Families
Miracle Diapers has assisted those in need all over the world. Most of our applicants are from the US and Canada, but we welcome applications from anywhere. We have joyfully sent diapers to Latvia, Germany, Japan, Australia, and India to name a few. Though our focus is on cloth diapers, we accept any donations that promote natural living and baby care. We accept and redistribute baby carriers, natural baby items, unused natural menstrual items, unused cloth nursing pads and other nursing accessories, baby clothes and furniture."

GreenNappies (U.K.)
Charitable project in the United Kingdom that offers free or low-cost eco-friendly nappies

The Thrift Shopper (U.S.)

Charity Shops (Great Britain and Ireland) (Australia)
How to find bargains or recycle your old clothes and raise funds for (hopefully) good causes at the same time.

Craigs List
Hundreds of cities in dozens of countries now have their own edition of Craigslist, the online bulletin board for free classified ads, including ads for free or low-cost cars, clothing, furniture, toys, and home goods of all sorts.

The Garage Sale Hunter
Garage or yard sales can be good places to find inexpensive, secondhand clothes . You can also hold your own and raise a little money while recycling clothes you no longer need.

Goodwill Industries International, Inc.: Find a Goodwill near you
"Goodwill Industries' operates more than 1,900 retail stores to fund career training and employment programs that help people overcome barriers to employment and become independent, tax-paying members of their communities."

The Salvation Army (International)
"Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination"

St. Vincent DePaul Society (International)
Promotes a worldview based on the life and teaching of St. Vincent de Paul, in assisting the needy with food, toiletries and clothing.

For more crisis resources please see my International Crisis Hotlines and Resources listing

Your Health During Pregnancy and Beyond

If you've recently discovered you are pregnant, even if you're undecided, it's important for you to take care of yourself. Here you can find resources and information on medical care, exercise, and nutrition during pregnancy.

American Pregnancy Helpline: About Pregnancy

Giving Up Addiction: One Woman's Story and Advice

Learn About Emotional Abuse

Escaping Abuse: One Woman’s Story and Advice for Breaking Away

March of Dimes
Information on prenatal care and a whole range of topics pertaining to staying healthy during pregnancy.

Mayo Clinic: Pregnancy Center
Tons of information on pregnancy from pre-conception through labor and birth

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Physician Finder

Keep Kids
A medical and parenting site designed as 'a Pediatrician's guide to your children's health and safety.' Offers free parenting advice, online forums, info product recalls and pediatric news updated daily, an immunization schedule, and many other interactive features.

Pregnancy Insurance
Personal guide to help you navigate through maternity coverage, alternative care, and personal care to help reduce your prenatal care expenses

Links to U.S. State and Local Departments of Public Health
Your local department of health can provide referrals for financial assistance for medical care and referrals for low-cost or free medical care in your community

For more health and wellness resources, see International Crisis Hotlines and Resources

Pregnancy and Parenting Support in Your Community

Healthy Families America
A national program, offered through your local department of community and family services, designed to help expectant and new parents get their children off to a healthy start. Families participate voluntarily in the program and receive education, support, and referrals through home visits from trained staff.

Victorian Order of Nurses (Canada)
Offers a wide variety of volunteer and professional programs to those in need. They offer a Healthy Baby and Me program is designed to provide education and support to youth who are either expecting a baby or parenting an infant. Also their Parent/Infant Visiting Program provides hands-on assistance to families, overwhelmed by caring for newborns, who aren’t getting support from family or friends.

Visit your phone book's yellow pages and search under "Family and Social Services" to find support groups in your community.

Continuing Your Education

A Poor Mama's Guide to Paying for College

Our Rights as Pregnant or Parenting Students

Athletes and Pregnancy/Parenting:
Pregnant and Parenting Student-Athletes: Resources and Model Policies from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (US) and Issues Related to Pregnancy and Athletic Participation from the Women's Sports Foundation. The NCAA and the Women's Sports Foundation supports your right to keep your athletic scholarship in the event you are pregnant or parenting, and to be free from other forms of discrimination against you and your child(ren).

The Higher Education Alliance for Residential Single Parent Programs "provides social and academic support to single parents in their pursuit of higher education while promoting national awareness through networking, education, and advocacy." Check each member college for its financial aid opportunities. See the HEARSPP website for contact info on its current member programs at:
Baldwin-Walllace College, Berea, Ohio, USA.
Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, USA.
College of Saint Mary, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Endicott College, Beverly, Massachusetts, USA.
Misercordia University, Dallas, Pennsylvania, USA.
Saint Paul's College, Lawrenceville, Virginia, USA; HBCU (Historically Black College or University).
Texas College, Tyler, Texas, USA; HBCU.
Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA.

Campuses with other kinds of support services (in many cases including financial aid):
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA.
Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Dartmouth University, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA.
University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio.
Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.
William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.
University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA.
University of San Diego, San Diego, California, USA.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers (US). Represents the interests of the 2100+ campus child care centers in the US. Believes that high-quality, standard-setting "campus child care should be provided as an integral part of higher education systems." Publishes a free fact sheet on how to start a center.

College Mom Magazine. "Mission is to feature mothers on college campuses who are fighting for their equal rights to education and who are forging the way for mothers to come behind them...Offers a forum for college moms to offer advice to other moms, and offers information of interest to college moms. We believe that the denial of equal rights to education to mothers in high schools and on college campuses is a contributor to poverty in the United States. We hope that by fighting for our rights on college campuses we can lift these institutions, many who are now breaking laws, up to our level of responsibility and accountability." Includes scholarship and financial aid information.

Moms in School
An online community dedicated to providing support, advice, etc to pregnant and parenting moms who are in vocational training and college/university.

Scholarships and Financial Aid:
American Indian College Fund.
American Indian Graduate Center.
Offers graduate scholarships.
The Asian Reporter: Scholarships and Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Foundation.
Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Scholarship Resources.
Latino College Dollars.

National Council of La Raza: DREAM Act. (English, Spanish.) Bright, motivated, hard-working students in the US are routinely denied financial aid, even when there's enough to go around--simply because they are undocumented immigrants. Why and how to make a change.
Note: If you are undocumented or having other problems with your immigration status in the US, try talking with your school (or prospective school's) financial aid office; looking into schools like The City Colleges of Chicago; or consulting a website like Financial Aid and Scholarships for Undocumented Students.

$cholarship $cams. There is legitimate money out there for school, but there are also scam artists who want to take advantage of your wish to better your life. Learn how to tell the difference. On the bilingual (English, Spanish) website of the Federal Trade Commission.

Single Parent Scholarships and Single Mother Scholarships.

Sister Thea Bowman Foundation. Offers scholarships to black students, including several at the College of St. Mary, Omaha, Nebraska, for single black mothers.

Student Aid on the Web. (English, Spanish.) US Department of Education official guide to making your education affordable. See also FinAid: The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid. You don't have to pay to get the information you need to afford your education! This is one of the best, most comprehensive free websites on student aid.

United Negro College Fund. "Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

Don't know what assistance a particular school offers to pregnant and parenting students? Ask the financial aid office and other school offices what they can do to accomodate your needs and your child(ren)'s. Even if there is no formal program to help pregnant and parenting students, you can ask them to be flexible and work with you. Your right to an education is a human right.

Daycare is Now Affordable!
Having difficulty paying for daycare? Most child care subsidies provide assistance for parents who are working, going to school, or both. Single mothers and student mothers especially benefit from subsidy programs, which either pay the entire cost of daycare tuition or a large portion. Some of these programs even offer referral services, so that you can make sure your little one is in the best possible daycare. If your state is not listed here, contact your local department of social services and find out if any programs are available in your county. Some states do not have state-wide subsidy programs, but do offer more localized, county and city based programs.

Money Saving Ideas
10 Ways to Have Fun for Under $2 written by a mom

Coupons and shopping sales are also a wonderful way to save money. You can find manufacturer's coupons in your local weekend paper or at your local grocery.

Parenting Issues

American Pregnancy Helpling: Parenting Preparation Checklist
If you are a first-time parent, you may be struggling with getting prepared for the task. Fortunately, you have time to get ready. Talking with friends and family who have children can help you get started. They can recommend services such as child care and medical care, products and parenting strategies and other useful tips that you may overlook. If you don’t have these resources available, check with your local pregnancy center, church, hospital or community organization for parenting classes and resources. Call the Helpline too to get connected to parenting resources in your area. In the mean time, here is a list to do to get started.

American Pregnancy Helpline: Types of Parenting
Many people believe that when an unplanned pregnancy is experienced, there are three options to consider: abortion, adoption, and parenting. However, the option of parenting itself is accompanied by a variety of options. Different responsibilities and challenges are associated with each option.

Having Your Baby When Others Say No (Online Book)
Free online self-help book by Madeline Pecora Nugent, an experienced pregnancy counselor, originally published in print by Avery Publishing Group in 1991. The book contains much practical, down-to-earth, positive-minded advice on coping with your first reactions to the pregnancy; developing specific skills to get through it and make plans for parenting, adoption, or guardianship; dealing with others, including family, friends, professionals, and coworkers; healing from sexual trauma; and responding to health concerns and other serious situations, including pregnancy while in prison.

Custody and Child Support
One woman's story and advice for navigating the legal system

Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Web Site(includes a state-by-state contact list)
Learn what rights you and your child have

Child Support/USDHHS  (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Legal Emergency? A Guide to Fast Action

American Pregnancy Helpling: Paternity Issues
If you have had more than one partner, it is natural for you to want to know who the father of your baby is. There are different reasons to establish paternity. You may feel the need to collect support financially or emotionally, or simply for the piece of mind that accompanies knowing for sure. If you are reading this, it may be that you are unsure who the father of your child is. Paternity testing costs between $450.00 and $2,000.00, depending on the area which you live in and the center or lab you work with. Results are usually given in 14 business days or less. Included is a list of things to consider if you are contemplating whether to have paternity testing done.
America's Pregnancy Helpline: Single Parenting
Parenthood combined with a career or school and providing for your family is a challenge. Here are some ways that allow you, as a parent, to use what’s around you and make the most out of your time with your child, yourself, and your family.

American Pregnancy Helpline: Doing It Alone
Being a single parent raises lots of questions and many times leaves you with uncertain answers. For many women, there are fears of failing or unjust struggles. If you are a single parent, chances are you’re searching for ways to be the best parent you can be. Here are some suggestions that may help you overcome common challenges.


National Resource Center for Special Needs Adoptions
16250 Northland Drive, Suite 120
Southfield, MI 48075
Phone: (248) 443-0306

Agencies by State
State-by-state listing of adoption agencies, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Independent Adoption Center
Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-877-6736
Fax: 1.925.603.0820

National Adoption Center

Open Adoption: Information for Birthfathers
This page contains Myths and Facts for Birthfathers, Stages of Grief, The Benefits of Involvement and a real birthfather’s story.

Open Adoption: Information for Birth Grandparents
This page includes Frequently Asked Questions, Guidelines for Supporting Birthparents, Common Pitfalls Faced by Birth Grandparents, and more.

Online Support Websites

A Choice to Live With
This website has an interactive decision-making workbook and pregnancy, parenting, adoption, and abortion information. The website has information, support, available resources, and advice compiled into one easy-to-navigate site which does not try to sway the reader's political beliefs one way or the other. CTLW realizes that every option is available, and the only way to truly be of help to women is to help them become equipped with all the relevant information so that they can make the choice that they can live with.

Knowledge is Empowering
Resources for unplanned pregnancies are available throughout this web site. Pregnancy options for consideration are offered on adoption, pregnancy termination and parenting. The tough choices ahead are hard to make alone. A deeper look into options available to you are right here. Caring for yourself, caring about your partner and learning to live with an unplanned pregnancy is not easy. Discover the comfort and courage you need to move ahead. You are not alone!

Think About It Online
Empowering women with the medical, legal and historical facts about abortion. Includes personal stories and information about a woman’s rights.

Abortion...It's More Than You Know
The aim of this website is to raise awareness, provide information and knowledge, connect visitors to helpful resources, and launch new and upcoming books. Serena Gaefke has a Bachelor's degree in Primary Education and 3 years teaching experience. She enjoys public speaking, writing, and communicating. She is exploring an additional career options as a freelance writer. Her upcoming book is "101 Reasons Not to Have an Abortion: A Girl's Guide to Informed Choices"

Stand Up Girl!
An outpost for the inmost girls. Unplanned pregnancy testimonials and support. Young women who've had or considered an abortion tell their stories.

Young Positive Pregnancy Online: Support, Information, and Resources for Pregnant Teens
We are a site dedicated to helping young girls have the best pregnancies possible and promoting positive parenting skills.

Teen Moms
Support and help for young mothers. Site includes encouraging essays, a message board, money-saving links, an album illustrating the stages of fetal development, and links to crisis pregnancy centers.

Young Mommies Unite
A place of hope, love, and support for pregnant teens and parents. Site includes poetry, personal stories, a message board, a chat room, and lots of information and resources.

Mom, I'm Pregnant
Presenting guidance and ideas from teenagers who have decided to continue their pregnancies. Includes FAQ and a list of shelters across the USA.

Mom, Dad, I'm Pregnant
A website where teens and their parents can find "communication advice for family crisis" in the form of resources, referrals, guidance, help and mostly information presented in a loving and compassionate manner.

Tips 4 Telling Boyfriend/Parents

For the Father-to-Be

When Your Teen Daughter Is Pregnant"; also "When Your Teenage Son is the Father"

Online Support Groups

BabyCenter: Alternatives to Termination
IVillage: Unplanned Pregnancy
VoyForums: Unplanned Pregnancy Advice Board
Yahoo! Groups: Unplanned Pregnancy Help

Recommended Unplanned Pregnancy and Birth Books

The Unplanned Pregnancy Handbook: Real Life Stories, Resources, and Information to Help You
by Dorrie Williams-Wheeler

The Unplanned Pregnancy Book for Teens and College Students
by Dorrie Williams-Wheeler

Professor, May I Bring My Baby to Class?
by Sherrill Mosee

Surprise Child: Finding Hope in Unexpected Pregnancy
by Leslie Leyland Fields

Having Your Baby When Others Say No
by Madeline Pecora Nugent

Pregnant and Single: Help for Tough Choices
by Linda Roggow, Carolyn Pearl Owens

The Single Woman's Guide to a Happy Pregnancyby Mari Gallion

How To Survive Your Teen's Pregnancy: Practical Advice for a Christian Family
by Linda Ellen Perry

Mom, Dad. . . I'm Pregnant: When Your Daughter or Son Faces an Unplanned Pregnancy
by Kathy Baer (Foreword), Jayne E. Schooler

Surviving Teen Pregnancy: Your Choices, Dreams, and Decisions
by Shirley Arthur

Taking Responsibility: A Teen's Guide to Contraception and Pregnancy
by Donna Lange.
Your Pregnancy and Newborn Journey: A Guide for Pregnant Teens (Teen Pregnancy and Parenting series)
by Jeanne Warren Lindsay, PHN, Jean Brunelli

Life Interrupted: The Scoop on Being a Young Mom (Mothers of Preschoolers)
by Tricia Goyer

Mothercare New Guide to Pregnancy and Child Care : An Illustrated Guide to Caring For Your Child from Preganancy Through Age Five
by Penny Stanway

The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two (Revised and Updated Edition)
by William Sears

The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy: Or everything your doctor won't tell you
by Vicki Iovine

Your Developing Baby, Conception to Birth (Harvard Medical School Guides)
by Dr. Peter M. Doubilet (Author), Dr. Carol B. Benson (Author), Roanne Weisman (Author)

A Child Is Born
by Lennart Nilsson

The Parents' Resource Almanac: Where to Write, Who to Call, What to Buy, and How to Find Out Everything You Need to Know
by Beth Defrancis

What to Expect the First Year
by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, Sandee Eisenberg Hathaway

What to Expect the Toddler Years
by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi E. Murkoff, Sandee E. Hathaway, Morris Green

Mothercare New Guide to Pregnancy and Child Care: An Illustrated Guide to Caring for your Child from Pregnancy Through Age Five
by Penny Stanway

The Complete Single Mother: Reassuring Answers to Your Most Challenging Concerns
by Andrea Engber and Leah Klungness

Breeder: Real-Life Stories from the New Generation of Mothers (Non-Traditional Pregnancy and Parenting)
by Dan Savage

The Daddy Guide: Real-life Advice and Tips From Over 250 Dads and Other Experts
by Kevin Nelson

The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-To-Be, 2nd Edition
by Armin A. Brott

Pregnant Too Soon: Adoption Is an Option (Teenagers Tell Their Stories About The Most Difficlut Decision They Will Ever Face - To Be or Not To Be - A School Age Parent)
by Jeanne Warren Lindsay, Jami Moffett

Adoption Healing ...A Path to Recovery for Mothers Who Lost Children to Adoption
by Joseph M. Soll, Karen Wilson Buterbaugh

Adoption and Loss: The Hidden Grief (Revised Edition
by Evelyn Burns Robinson

Original Comments Made for This Entry:
Leah Klungness made this comment (7-17-2006)
I was happy to see The Complete Single Mother, which was recently published in a completely revised third edition, featured on your site. Please consider posting a link so that your visitors can order the book directly. Keep up the good work!

Book for your web site
Hi, Rachael,
You've put together a fantastic list of resources for pregnant and parenting young women. Please consider adding a book I edited, YOU LOOK TOO YOUNG TO BE A MOM: TEEN MOTHERS SPEAK OUT ON LOVE, LEARNING, AND SUCCESS (Davis, Deborah, editor). You can read excerpts at
deborah (at) deborahdavisauthor (dot) commade this comment in another entry(9-28-09)

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